Association of Retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Employees

We are a volunteer organization of retired FWS employees. We are proud of the FWS  for its world-leading role in conserving and managing the Nation’s natural resources. We continue to contribute to that mission in whatever ways we can.  

For Statement of Support for Current and Former USFWS Employees Click Here

Get in Touch

Have a question or want more information…send us an email and we’ll be sure to reach out right away.


To date, 21 Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Retiree Reunions have been held. Join your former colleagues to catch up and have fun.


Help preserve the history of the Service by donating important equipment or photos to the museum archives and collecting oral histories of former colleagues.

Grants and Outreach

The Fish and Wildlife Service Retirees Association awards small matching grants to Service Friends Organizations. Great things can happen with small amounts of money!


Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you want to see how conservation is practiced in other parts of the country or the world? Travel with FWS retirees may just be your ticket.