Michael Horton
Michael Horton is an Endangered Species and landscape conservation planner with more than 30 years of experience, 25 working for the FWS. During his time with the Service Michael worked to conserve old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest, vernal pool wetlands and valley floor habitats along with associated amphibian, reptile, mammalian, and bird species in northern and central California, and forested and wetland habitats throughout the northeastern US.
During his last 16 years with the Service, Michael worked in the Headquarters office in Washington, DC on legal, policy, and regulatory issues, and led the creation of the Service’s online Information for Planning and Consultation decision support system (IPaC). Since accepting an early-out in 2015, Michael has formed his own conservation consulting company, Integrated Planning and Conservation Associates (IPaCA), and now works to facilitate conservation both within the US and around the globe.