2012 Reunion at Charleston, South Carolina
February 12 to 15 in Charleston SC
At the Francis Marion Hotel in historical downtown Charleston

Sun 2/12 arrival and registration
Mon 2/13 AM morning welcomes by President Richard Coon, Ron Fowler tribute to Bob Hines, Mayor Joe Riley; South Carolina, Former South Carolina Director of DWR, John Frampton, Region 4 Regional Director Cindy Dohner/Mark Musaus, Deputy Directory Rowan Gould
Mon 2/13 PM Ron Fowler/Mark Madison Special Postage Cancelation and Dr. John Juriga memorial to Bob Hines; Helping Hands After Retirement – Charles Hasty – ICE Breaker
Tue 2/14 choice of tours to
Tour A. Cape Romain NWR and visit to Bulls Island (Cancelled due to wind and rain)
Tour B. ACE Basin and Grove Plantation House
Tour C. Charleston Tea Garden and Bears Bluff NFH
Wed 2/15 raffle, Watershed Planning and partnershihp in Practice, Business Meeting and Bylaws Revisions, Heritage Committee Meeting, Fish and Wildlife Issues – Robert Dewey, Defenders of Wildlife – 5pm group photo, 6pm Banquet
Thu 2/16 wrap up, evaluate
If you have photos or remembrances of this reunion, please contact us at communications2023@fwsretirees.org