2019 Reunion in Annapolis, MD
A Great Gathering on the Shore of Chesapeake Bay
One hundred twenty-two retirees, guests and others, including current Fish and Wildlife Service employees (click here for attendee list) met at the Hilton Doubletree Inn in Annapolis, Maryland November 10-14, 2019 for the 18th reunion of the Association. The gathering was highlighted by a two-mile “Greenwalt Walk for Wildlife” at Broad Creek Park, the Association business meeting, field trips to Patuxent Research Refuge and the National Aquarium (Baltimore) and to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. We also had FWS Northeast Region project presentations and updates, our traditional Reunion Banquet, and a meeting of the Service Heritage Committee. The venue also provided ample opportunity for visitors to explore local sites such as the United States Naval Academy. The weather was very good except for one particularly stormy day that reminded visitors that winter was coming soon to the Eastern Shore!
Our host region did an excellent job of showcasing important lands, wildlife projects, and partnerships in the Chesapeake Bay area in the field trips and over 10 formal presentations. Shared successes in species recovery and habitat restoration were especially pleasing at a time when it seems conservation challenges are overwhelming. We greatly appreciated Regional Director Wendi Webber’s and Regional staff’s dedication, and their hospitality to Service retirees. Service Director Lynn Greenwalt (1974-1981) was our guest speaker at the Reunion Banquet, and he spoke eloquently about his life and career with the Service that was both enlightening and empowering. Dr. Matt Perry (retired from Patuxent) was also recognized at the banquet with the annual Heritage Committee Award.

FWS Retirees 2019 Group Photo
Photograph © Marvin Moriarty 2019

The Greenwalt family, including Kathy Holland, taken at the close of the banquet/silent auction. Photograph by Stephen Rideout

Outside the Baltimore National Aquarium as we were learning about the marsh habitat created in the harbor. Photograph by Cindy Barry)

Photos of each of the dinner tables (all photos below by Cindy Barry)

If you have photos or remembrances of this reunion, please contact us at communications2023@FWSRetirees.org