2015 Reunion at Corpus Christi, TX
March 1 to 5
Holiday Inn at the Marina
Corpus Christi, TX
Here are some photos so you can relive some of the memories – except as indicated, photos were provided by Nell Baldacchino.For more about the 2015 Reunion in Corpus Christi, TX, check out this issue of the newsletter.

FWS Retirees 2015 Group Photo
Photo © Marvin Moriarty 2015

Board at work – Jerry, Robin, & Bob

Deputy Kurth presenting Heritage Award to Dave Hall, Jim Tisdale accepting

Boat trip Aranasas NWR

Deputy Director Jim Kurth

Jim Gillette and Denny Holland

Mamie Parker with featured speaker Louie Schwartzburg

Robin and Frank Smith

Some of the auction items

Robin and Frank Smith

Field trip to Aransas NWR (photo by Gail Carmody)

Two wild whooping cranes wintering at Aransas

Walk for Wildlife and BBQ (photo by Joe Baldacchino)
If you have photos or remembrances of this reunion, please contact us at communications2023@FWSRetirees.org